Lazy Eye Treatment

Lazy Eye Treatment

Lazy Eye Treatment

Lazy Eye Treatment

Lazy Eye Treatment in Collierville

We also help with Crossed Eyes and Wandering Eyes

What is a crossed eye?
Strabismus, or more commonly known as “crossed eyes,” is a condition in which the eyes do not line up properly together. It occurs when one or both eyes turn in, out, up, or down. There are four main categories of strabismus:

  • Esotropia: The eye(s) are turned inward.

  • Exotropia: The eye(s) are turned outward.

  • Hypertropia: The eye(s) are turned upward.

  • Hypotropia: The eye(s) are turned downward.

About four percent of the population of the United States experiences strabismus, so it’s pretty common. Having crossed eyes creates an issue of “eye teaming.” Eye teaming is the brain’s ability to combine the images from both eyes. When someone is cross eyed, the brain has difficulty putting together the images of both eyes since they are pointed in separate directions.

The symptoms of strabismus generally appear by age 3. If it appears at an older age, it can be a sign of a more serious neurological condition. Symptoms of strabismus include:

  • Double vision
  • Headaches

  • Difficulty reading

  • Eye strain

  • Eyes pointed in opposite directions

What is a lazy eye or wandering eye?

Amblyopia, or more commonly known as a “lazy eye” or “wandering eye,” is reduced vision in one or both eyes due to lack of proper development. As a result of the unequal development of the eyes, the brain “turns off” one of the eyes, and this constant suppression leads to a lazy or wandering eye. You or a family members can get lazy eye treatment in Collierville.

There are three main types of amblyopia:

  • Refractive amblyopia: This is the most common type of amblyopia and it occurs when one eye has a significant vision deficiency while the other does not.

  • Strabismic amblyopia: When one eye turns in, out, up, or down while the other does not. It is a cross between strabismus (crossed eye) and amblyopia (lazy eye).

  • Deprivation amblyopia: This is the least common but most severe type of amblyopia. It occurs when there is a serious refractive error in one or both of the eyes.

    Amblyopia can oftentimes be hard to spot because it isn’t as visually apparent as strabismus (crossed eyes). Lazy eye treatment in Collierville can help diagnose today, but some symptoms of amblyopia include:

  • Poor depth perception

  • Eye strain

  • Wandering eye

  • Tilting or turning the head

  • Shutting or squinting one eye

Lazy eye treatment in Collierville is available today!

Myths about crossed eyes and lazy eyes

Can a lazy eye be fixed after childhood?

While treatment is easier with children, the eyes continue to retain their malleability through adulthood. Neural pathways can be created and strengthened in people of any age. It is never too late to treat a lazy eye. Lazy eye treatment in Collierville can help.

Is eye patching the best way to cure a lazy eye?
Patching is one of the most common methods to cure a lazy eye. However, it is not a permanent fix. While it can strengthen the eye temporarily, it will eventually drift back to its previous condition. Vision therapy is the only permanent treatment.

Does a lazy eye insinuate there is a problem with your eye muscles?
While it may seem that there is an issue with your eye muscles due to the visual appearance of a lazy or wandering eye, it is actually a problem with the brain. The brain is being overloaded with information from both of the eyes and has “shut off” one of the eyes to make it easier to process the incoming images. After continuously shutting down one of the eyes, it becomes a lazy or wandering eye. Our lazy eye treatment in Collierville can help with these conditions.

Is surgery the best way to treat a crossed eye?
Like stated earlier, a crossed eye is a problem with the brain, not the eye. Surgery does not directly address the underlying cause of the problem and will be required multiple times in a lifetime. It can temporarily fix the appearance of the eye, but it cannot improve the connection between the brain and eyes.

Vision therapy has the ability to address the underlying issue. Not only will it improve how the eyes look, but it will also improve the functionality of the eyes. Vision therapy creates new neural pathways and strengthens the ones already in place. If you’re looking for a permanent solution then vision therapy is the best option for you or a family member.

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